Grant in Aid for cost of development to rubber growers of the North Eastern States
Operated by
Rubber Board - Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Central Government
To provide grant to small growers of the North Eastern States for cost of development
Probable duration
- Growers of all categories in the North-eastern region.
- Growers having a total rubber plantation not more than 2 hectares.
- The area should have been permitted under the Rubber Plantation Development Scheme under the 9th five year plan period.
- Beneficiaries will be identified by the Board based on the RPD Scheme permits issued earlier.
Benefit Description
Financial Assistance in form of Grant in Aid towards cost of development to Rubber growers of the North Eastern States
Application process
Other Details
Conditions if Any
- Grant shall be paid after completion of the stipulated items of work as detailed in the Scheduled, to the satisfaction of the Rubber Board.
More Information
Annexure Link:
File: -
# Please refer the 7th topic name for this scheme on the following link:
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